Marketing Tips

Blogging Secrets for Photographers

July 20, 2024

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One of the easiest and cheapest ways that you can elevate your marketing strategy is to utilize blogging to its fullest potential. Now, I know what you may be thinking… blogging is so old fashioned! It’s true– there are so many new and fancy ways that you can market your business but here is the thing, writing a blog gives your customers a direct path to your site. All the other tools like Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook etc, can be used as the marketing vehicle to drive that traffic to your blog post which lives on your site. See what I’m saying? The blog post gives people a reason to head to your site and marketing that post is just the method they will take to get there. When we create a marketing strategy, whether it’s for ourselves or our clients over at Wellcurated, it also starts with either a blog post or a podcast. Once we have that initial content created, it can be repurposed over and over. 

Let’s dive in and chat about 4 of our little secrets for making your blog posts interesting and purposeful. 

Fonts and Copy 

Have you ever opened an article or blog post and it was just a long giant run on sentence? You opened it, took one look and quickly closed cause who has time for that. Naturally, when we read, our eyes will skim text and if we provide nothing for our eyes to stop at, our attention will quickly run dry. One way that you keep a blog post interesting is by using different sized fonts, smaller paragraphs, bolding the sentences that we want eyes to fall on. Truth is, people have short attention spans so keeping paragraphs short and to the point, is the way to go. If you have a lot to say, use bullet points, numbers, header fonts, bold and italic so those of us who are skimmers can still pull value out of your posts.  Also, read the blog post out loud and decide if everything in it is valuable- if it’s fluff, cut it out. 


Our good friend SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a key way to make that blog post of yours stand out even more. Consider SEO to be your own secret super power to make your content reach a larger audience and not just any audience, the target audience you are looking for. SEO is going to make your content easier for Google to find and recommend when someone ‘Googles’ what they are looking for. The best tip for SEO for your blog is using keywords in your blog title, headers and in the content itself to help Google establish the hierarchy of your blog and to know what your blog is about. So if someone looks up ‘wedding photographer in Virginia’, include those keywords in your post if it’s relevant to you. Another way to boost SEO is to keep people on your website longer. If someone comes to your blog post because they were interested, add internal links to other things they might be interested in throughout the content. 

Don’t Only Blog Shoot after Shoot

At Evolve, we work with a lot of photographers. We have had the opportunity to coach a lot of incredibly talented photographers who struggle with getting traffic to their website. One easy way to get more eyes on your site is to blog more than just your sessions. Let’s be honest, do other people really need to see those 50 images from your last wedding? My best advice is to mix your client sessions with other blog topics. The same people you are going to be photographing for a wedding would also be likely to want tips on how to style themselves for engagement photos. If you’re making the transition into becoming an educator, share about editing, finding location shoots or answer questions new photographers commonly have to grow your authority (which is another tip, for another day).

Workflow/Repurposing Content

One blog can last a lifetime– if you repurpose it correctly. One blog can turn into multiple newsletters, Instagram posts, reel content, freebies to get people to join your mailing list, and more. When you write a blog that is filled with content people actually want, you can take one main point and share it on all the platforms where you engage with your community. Then, in a couple of weeks or the next month, take one of the other nuggets of gold and share that with your community. Every time you link it back to your blog post and now that one post is getting traction time and time again. What’s extra fun about this is maybe the first tidbit you shared didn’t resonate with someone but the next piece of information you pull from the post to share does. It’s a way to appeal to everyone while featuring your content in small bite-sized pieces. 

These blogging secrets will help increase your website traffic, which means more eyes on you and what you’ve got, which will turn into more clients… which is obviously the goal. Every blog is an abundant resource to create your marketing resources from, to share your voice with the world and to attract those dream clients that will keep making your business thrive. There’s a reason blogs were the first thing to become all the rage on the internet and continue to be– they’re a piece of gold and we hope these tips inspire you to get blogging and use this tool to its full potential.

Noella & Jamie

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